A Social Point of View

Cater to the masses.   
Cater to the masses.    

Provide them with food,                          
                                         and shoes,                                    
                                                            and glasses.   
Do not let them feel                       
                                  as they pat on their asses,
                                                                    in a bar,
                                                                   or a public bathroom.
Do not let them assume                          
                                 that they are not being                                           
                                                            cared for,                                           
                                                            and pampered,                         
                                 just like “better” classes.       

Lest they rebel against us,                                 
                                        like wild asses,                
       and suffocate us all,                                      
                                     with the stench of their blood,                                                      
                                                                     and their gasses.

Cater to the masses.   

Cater to the masses.