The Sick

My gums swell and bleed.  
My hemorrhoids flare. 
My joints ache,                     
                       and my eyes. 
And the heartburn                        
                             never leaves.  

I have a burning sensation                                
                                    when I urinate. 
I have a constant urge                            
                                 to eat.                            
                                 Still, I lose weight,
                                                       too much weight.     
The urge to eat disappears                                
                                  at the very sight
                                                          of food. 
And I feel sick                    
                         to my stomach,                    
                         at the pit of my stomach.  

If this should continue,                   
                          my two-month long                    
                          suicide attempt                                    
                                                   will soon come                                                   
                                                                            to an end...                                                   

                                                                            I hope.